Wow good day, basically…except for the fact that i dont think i have EVER been raped that much in one day, or possibly all the times in my life together as one. It was bad lol.

(EDIT//This next part has nothing to do with the above rape-age)
SHHHh its a secret: I held Tripps hot nuts and played with them for like 1/2 an hour YOu heard me! mwahaha They kept me warm. Man that part was the best.

RENT!!!! was awesome, oh man HOT!! Except for the huge lady behind me who was obnoxious and smelled of cigarettes which almost made me have an asthma attack in the middle…fun. It was so good, i hated the 1st act but by the end i was crying so much because its so good and sad . THats how it always is anyway so much craziness.

TEAR!! Its from Rent obviously…

Without you, the ground thaws
the rain falls
the grass grows

Without you, the seeds root
the flowers bloom
the children play

The stars gleam
the poets dream
the eagles fly
without you

The Earth turns
the sun burns
but I die, without you

Without you, the breeze warms
the girl smiles
the cloud moves

Without you, the tides change
the boys run
the oceans crash

The crowds roar
the days soar
the babies cry
without you

The moon glows
the river flows
but I die without you

The world revives
colors renew
but I know blue
only blue
lonely blue
willingly blue
Without you

Without you, the hand gropes
the ear hears
the pulse beats

Without you, the eyes gaze
the legs walk
the lungs breathe

The mind churns
the heart yearns
the tears dry without you

Life goes on
but I’m gone
’cause I die, without you
without you
without you
without you…..

I have one final thing to say to you before i pass out onto my bed….. “Leap Of Faith, Only Thing To Do Is Jump Over The Moon, Moooooooo Moooooooo Moo With Me!!” Good stuff right there.